Two people practicing cpr on a dummy.

Streamline Your Certification With Skill Check Off Services

Streamline Your Certification With Skill Check Off Services

At One Call CPR, we offer skill check off services to help you easily obtain your American Heart Association (AHA) cards. After completing the Heartcode course in your specific discipline, you'll be required to undergo a check off with one of our certified instructors. This verification process ensures that you have mastered the essential life-saving techniques taught in the Heartcode course.

What You'll Need

What You'll Need

To proceed with the skill check off, bring a hard copy of your Heartcode certificate, serving as proof of your completion. Our certified instructor will assess your skills and competence, ensuring you are well-prepared to respond effectively in emergency situations. The entire check off process typically takes only 30 minutes, offering a convenient and efficient way to obtain your AHA cards.

Girl sitting on bed and playing with wooden blocks and toys while mother using laptop
A group of children sitting on the floor in front of an adult.

Affordable Check Off Cost

Affordable Check Off Cost

The skill check off cost is $80, providing an affordable option to complete the certification process. With our expert instructors guiding you through the assessment, you can rest assured that you'll gain the confidence and validation needed to make a difference when it counts.

Schedule a consultation for the skill checks off today and secure your AHA cards, demonstrating your readiness to act as a trained and responsible responder.